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Korrith's Diary
Korrith's Diary
A sleek black book, most often found laying around Dundee Inn, bears the name Korrith Oniban and seems to have been recently repaired. Teeth marks can still be seen on some parts, as well as smudges of ink and grubby fingerprints of those who could not resist the temptation of flicking through the pages.
Scribbles from Tuesday, 20 December 2005
My mind is made up. I need a little break. From all of this.

I should never say never... I hope I one day return. But hope is all it is...

*A tear is on the page here*

Korrith wrote this at 09:06. Add any notes here: - Link - comments (6)
Scribbles from Thursday, 15 December 2005
*The latest page here is coated in ink, with a print of the side of Korrith's sleeping face, and nothing else*
Korrith wrote this at 02:56. Add any notes here: - Link - comments (2)
Scribbles from Monday, 12 December 2005
Is it time for a break?

Is that what all the signs are pointing to, what everything is trying to tell me?

Lots are leaving. Lots are simply not about anymore.

The great Valornian Exodus. A break might do me good.

Wyeverne hasnt been around much. Niether has Garran. I grow tired to gazing over the horizon waiting for people to return that I havnt seen for too long.

But CAN I leave? What would I do about the FOLLOW?

And would Valorn be safe, in the newest generation of adventurers?

So much to think about. And I still need more sleep than usual.
Korrith wrote this at 17:18. Add any notes here: - Link - comments
Scribbles from Sunday, 11 December 2005
I can barely keep my eyes open.

So sleepy. So very sleepy.

I've slept so much in recent times. I have until now ignored the comments, jokes, taunts and jeers... But is there something wrong with me?

I. I dunno. I think maybe there might be.

Im thinking of making some big changes to the TRL. Things I hadnt thought of to make the whole thing smoother and easier.

Apart from that. Not much to report really. Not much at all.

Goodnight diary. My dreams and nightmares are calling me into their domain once more.
Korrith wrote this at 17:34. Add any notes here: - Link - comments (2)
Scribbles from Thursday, 08 December 2005
A staff of darkness pointed at the head of the world. Thats why I took up adventuring. Did I have to? Some might argue no. But I think I did.

So many marcs have passed, so many journeys of the Sunrifter castle and demon eyes in the sky.

So many events, happenings. It'd take me days to recount them. And despite SOME people thinking im a good storyteller, I can't do any great memory the justice it deserves. To capture a moment. A feeling. Its difficult.

My Fine Gladius lies nearby. Sometimes I feel it looking at me. It has tasted blood what... Once, twice? Thrice? I've only trained a few times since I've got it.

And what good am I lately?

I think I've been downright useless.

Korrith wrote this at 15:45. Add any notes here: - Link - comments (4)
Scribbles from Tuesday, 06 December 2005
Everything changes. EVERYTHING. I've changed. They've changed.

No matter your grip on any given object, person or situtation you will slip eventually. Hopefully simply to grab another bar. Be it higher, or slightly lower.

Tienchi. Sefti Carrilon. Both have left.

In the past I have not cared much about those who have left. Ham and Isoyami I cared about somewhat. Now I can addTienchi and Sefti to my "careabouts". They were good... They were good alright.

And the word on the street is.. Waterfall will be leaving. How can she? She's been here for so long. Longer than I. All the people she has befriended. Everything shes done.

Like I say everything changes. As our hands slip off bars, new adventurers grab their bars. Holding onto what situations, people, and things they like.

Let us hope they fair well in keeping their grip.

In one hand, I hold Wyeverne. In the other, I hold the fate of my guild.

And Im not letting go...
Korrith wrote this at 15:11. Add any notes here: - Link - comments (4)
Scribbles from Saturday, 03 December 2005
The Juicy Shovel.

What a crazy name. Ah well, the members chose it as the favourite, and thus, the new FOLLOW tavern is named.

I think the place is looking pretty good! A bit of a wacky design... But the wenches we hired are top notch!

Not so sure about that crazy barman though.

Its certainally differant, as our tavern is underground. Beneath our orchard. We wanted our place to have somethings a bit differant, to stand out.

Our next guild hall features are planned to be even more unique. It's going to take us sometime, but I'm pretty determined to get us a guild hall that we can be proud of.

Anyone is welcome at our Tavern now, not just FOLLOWers! Maybe we'l have some friends over soon.

In other news... Rhyana has returned. It is good news. I feel deep pain for every FOLLOWer missing in action... Iren... Greb... Urusai.. Angelic. I still cling to some hope that they one day return.

Racing League Team Leader auditions are OPEN. People can speak to me about auditioning... The TRL has hit a few snags but we'll overcome them and Im sure it'll be fine. The latest issue of the Frequent FOLLOW has been delayed significantly. I have no excuses, I can merely promise to get it done as soon as possible.

The Ethucan debate seems to have died down considerably.

And thats whats new, in Trinald.
Korrith wrote this at 08:29. Add any notes here: - Link - comments (3)
034885 people love Korrith, and his shiny bald head